Case Study


6 June 2024


A large global technology company
From Months to Minutes: How A Custom Tool Streamlined Brochure Creation Saving Time and Money


The globally dispersed sales operations team faced a significant hurdle: the time and cost of creating customized proposals and sales brochures. These materials were vital for closing sales opportunities, but their production was expensive, multi-staged, and time-consuming–sometimes taking up to 3 months to complete. The outputs were often difficult to repurpose for other customers. The team’s efforts to centralize tasks, documents, and workflows across various communication channels resulted in labor-intensive processes, slow response to sales needs, and low conversion rates.


Clever Craft developed a robust solution in collaboration with the client. This brochure-building tool empowers the sales teams to leverage pre-existing brochures and personalize them with the date, company name, and partner name. The tool also creates a brochure custom to the customers’ needs regarding verticals (Healthcare, Education, Manufacturing, etc.) and products.

More importantly, it created a library of content and templates pre-approved by Marketing and Legal, eliminating the time spent waiting for approvals. Reducing Brochure design and deployment time from 3 months to less than a day


Enhanced Operational Efficiency:

  • 90%+ reduction in the cost of creation
  • Centralized tasks, documents, and workflows for greater collaboration


Accelerated Time to Value:

  • 90%+ faster time to deliver brochures to partners and customers
  • Allows users to reuse existing templates as needed


Key Takeaways:

  • Standardizes pre-approved brochures aligned with legal and marketing guidelines and policies
  • Enables sales to act with agility to support partners and customers quicker–winning more deals


Case Studies